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How to return the result without altering the source?

My HTML and JavaScript code look like this:

many code 
    <button onclick="alert($('#mytable').html().wrap('<html/>') );">Show HTML Table</button>

    <table id="myTable">

        <tr's and td's>
many code

I want my javascript to return the table wrapped by the HTML tags but I do not want the table itself to be changed.

You could take a copy of the table first:


To get the actual HTML of the tag you'd need something like this plugin which I posted in another answer yesterday :

(function($) {
    $.fn.outerhtml = function() {
        return $('<div/>').append(this.clone()).html();

So you can then do:

alert('<html>' + $('#myTable').outerhtml() + '</html>');

See http://jsfiddle.net/alnitak/2y988/ for a working demo.

This does not work. .html() returns a string, not a jQuery object. So you cannot call wrap on it.

The other problem is that .html() only returns the inner HTML , it does not include the table tag.

You could .clone() the node, attach it to some dummy element and return the .html() :

var html = ['<html><body>', 

Maybe this jQuery outerHTML plugin will help you. It will give you the code for the table, including the enclosing <table> tags. You can maybe do something like alert("<html>" + $("#myTable").outerHtml() + "</html>") .

Why not just do the following?:


That will wrap the table in the tag supplied to the wrap function, without altering the table itself.

For more information, see the jQuery API for the wrap function.

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