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App runs fine on emulator but crashes on device

I have an application of which i have two codes, one the latest one and the other is old one. i am merging my latest code with old one using DiffMerge utility. When I run the app on emulator after merging it runs fine but crashes on the device at the very first activity. the LogCat shows me the following:

I am Just showing the exception that is thrown when i run the app from Eclipse on my device.

06-29 10:34:09.554: WARN/System.err(1296): java.lang.RuntimeException: native typeface cannot be made

any help please.

Finally, i have got an answer myself, the solution is name of font file i mean.ttf file must be same in both the codes, even case must be same. It has worked me after a lot of research on this small but really irritating problem, hope this works for others as well:-)

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