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ASP.NET MVC validation attributes and Jquery

I have mvc attributes on fields that validate on submit. Although these attributes are on these fields, I want to override their validation if I click a SaveDraft button. Right now I try to disable validation of the field using jquery rules but the mvc attributes seem to override the rules. How can I make the MVC attributes ignore validation if I click a different button? Here is an example of what I want to do onClick but it does not work.

 $(".btnsave").click(function () {

{ rules: { Title: false, Description: false //dont validate this field onclick }, }).Form(); });

You can use following to remove all validation rules from an element


To remove specific rule use

$('#Password').rules('remove', 'required')

And to add rule

$("#Password").rules("add", { minlength: 2 });

Finally to check current rules


Note If your selector returns more than one element only the first element is used by rules method

Check out here for more

Also make sure that you have latest version . more people got in trouble with IE and jQuery-validation-1.8

I may just not understand your issue here but couldn't you just have the btnSave not cause validation?

<asp:Button id="bntSaveDraft" runat="server" Text="Button" CausesValidation="False" />

(Posting just in case someone else had the same issue as I did with MVC3 Unobtrusive validation library)

Beygi answer worked for me, but I made a mistake in declaring my elements.

I declared my elements with only and ID tag, and not with the NAME tag . This does not work with MVC3 Unobtrusive validation library, as it requires the NAME tag.

<input id="firstName" value="" data-val="true" data-val-required="required" />

Needed to be

<input id="firstName" **name="firstName"** value="" data-val="true" data-val-required="required" />

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