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return Array from C# to Classic ASP with COM

I am trying to return an array from c# to classic asp using com. This post helped me lot , but I still have problems:

I have the following method in c#:

public object[] returnStuff () {
    return new object[] {'1','2','3'};

My classic ASP:

dim responseArray1

responseArray1 = RegusSoapComponent.returnStuff()

response.write("Type of Array one is " & VarType(responseArray1))
response.write("Type of Array one is " & responseArray1(1))

My output is:

response is Type of Array one is 8204

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ca'

Variable uses an Automation type not supported in VBScript

No matter what I do, I don't seem to be able to access this variable.

VBScript likes to receive a variant containing a safearray of variants. So you need to return an object wrapping your array of objects. eg:

public object returnStuff() {
    return new object[] {'1','2','3'};

which should get marshalled the right way. See a previous answer for the detailed version.

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