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size_t vs int warning

I am getting following warning always for following type of code.

std::vector v;
for ( int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {

warning C4267: 'initializing': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data

I understand that size() returns size_t , just wanted to know is this safe to ignore this warning or should I make all my loop variable of type size_t

If you might need to hold more than INT_MAX items in your vector, use size_t . In most cases, it doesn't really matter, but I use size_t just to make the warning go away.

Better yet, use iterators:

for( auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it )

(If your compiler doesn't support C++11, use std::vector<whatever>::iterator in place of auto )

C++11 also makes choosing the best index type easier (in case you use the index in some computation, not just for subscripting v ):

for( decltype(v.size()) i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i )

What is size_t ?
size_t corresponds to the integral data type returned by the language operator sizeof and is defined in the header file (among others) as an unsigned integral type .

Is it okay to cast size_t to int ?
You could use a cast if you are sure that size is never going to be > than INT_MAX .

If you are trying to write a portable code, it is not safe because,

size_t in 64 bit Unix is 64 bits
size_t in 64 bit Windows is 32 bits

So if you port your code from Unix to WIndows and if above are the enviornments you will lose data.

Suggested Answer

Given the caveat, the suggestion is to make i of unsigned integral type or even better use it as type size_t .

is this safe to ignore this warning or should I make all my loop variable of type size_t

No. You are opening yourself up to a class of integer overflow attacks. If the vector size is greater than MAX_INT (and an attacker has a way of making that happen), your loop will run forever, causing a denial of service possibility.

Technically, std::vector::size returns std::vector::size_type , though.

You should use the right signedness for your loop counter variables. (Really, for most uses, you want unsigned integers rather than signed integers for loops anyway)

The problem is that you're mixing two different data types. On some architectures, size_t is a 32-bit integer, on others it's 64-bit. Your code should properly handle both.

since size() returns a size_t ( not int ), then that should be the datatype you compare it against.

std::vector v;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {

Here's an alternate view from Bjarne Stroustrup: http://www.stroustrup.com/bs_faq2.html#simple-program

for (int i = 0; i<v.size(); ++i) cout << v[i] << '\n';

Yes, I know that I could declare i to be a vector::size_type rather than plain int to quiet warnings from some hyper-suspicious compilers, but in this case,I consider that too pedantic and distracting.

It's a trade-off. If you're worried that v.size() could go above 2,147,483,647, use size_t. If you're using i inside your loop for more than just looking inside the vector, and you're concerned about subtle signed/unsigned related bugs, use int. In my experience, the latter issue is more prevalent than the former. Your experience may differ.

Also see Why is size_t unsigned? .

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