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How to copy a ksh associative array?

Is there a way to copy an associative array? I realize that regular arrays can be copied easily with a one liner as such:

set -A NEW_ARRAY $(echo ${OTHER_ARRAY[*]})

but doing so with associative arrays just gives you the values in that manner.

I know about nameref but I'm interested in knowing if there's a way of copying the array such that the original array isn't affected.


typeset -A NEW_ARRAY
for key in "${!OTHER_ARRAY[@]}"; do



OTHER_ARRAY=( [Key1]="Val1" [Key2]="Val2" [Key3]="Val3" )

echo Keys: ${!OTHER_ARRAY[*]}
echo Values: ${OTHER_ARRAY[*]}

typeset -A NEW_ARRAY
for key in "${!OTHER_ARRAY[@]}"; do

echo Keys: ${!NEW_ARRAY[*]}
echo Values: ${NEW_ARRAY[*]}


Keys: Key3 Key1 Key2
Values: Val3 Val1 Val2
Keys: Key3 Key1 Key2
Values: Val3 Val1 Val2

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