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How do I use (require :PACKAGE) in clisp under Ubuntu Hardy?

I am trying to evaluate the answer provided here , and am getting the error: "A file with name ASDF-INSTALL does not exist" when using clisp:

dsm@localhost:~$ clisp -q
[1]> (require :asdf-install)

*** - LOAD: A file with name ASDF-INSTALL does not exist
The following restarts are available:
ABORT          :R1      ABORT
Break 1 [2]> :r1
[3]> (quit)


cmucl throws a similar error:

dsm@localhost:~$ cmucl -q
Warning:  #<Command Line Switch "q"> is an illegal switch
CMU Common Lisp CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches, running on crap-pile
With core: /usr/lib/cmucl/lisp.core
Dumped on: Sat, 2008-09-20 20:11:54+02:00 on localhost
For support see http://www.cons.org/cmucl/support.html Send bug reports to the debian BTS.
or to pvaneynd@debian.org
type (help) for help, (quit) to exit, and (demo) to see the demos

Loaded subsystems:
    Python 1.1, target Intel x86
    CLOS based on Gerd's PCL 2004/04/14 03:32:47
* (require :asdf-install)

Error in function REQUIRE:  Don't know how to load ASDF-INSTALL
   [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

  0: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level.

Debug  (type H for help)

; File: target:code/module.lisp
(ERROR "Don't know how to load ~A" MODULE-NAME)
0] (quit)

But sbcl works perfectly:

dsm@localhost:~$ sbcl -q
This is SBCL 1.0.11.debian, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp.
More information about SBCL is available at <http://www.sbcl.org/>.

SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty.
It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under
BSD-style licenses.  See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the
distribution for more information.
* (require :asdf-install)

; loading system definition from
; /usr/lib/sbcl/sb-bsd-sockets/sb-bsd-sockets.asd into #<PACKAGE "ASDF0">
; registering #<SYSTEM SB-BSD-SOCKETS {AB01A89}> as SB-BSD-SOCKETS
* (quit)

Any ideas on how to fix this? I found this post on the internet, but using that didn't work either.

try this before anything else:

(require :asdf)

you can steal some ideas from the environment we use. it's available at: darcsweb

see environment.lisp that loads and sets up asdf for us. (sbcl has asdf already loaded)

The instructions you got mentioned SBCL explicitely, so it's expected that they'll work better using SBCL, I suppose. Some other Lisps don't come with ASDF or don't hook it up to CL:REQUIRE. In the former case, you'll have load ASDF yourself beforehand. In the latter case, you'll need to call (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op ) instead of (require ).

wget http://cclan.cvs.sourceforge.net/ checkout /cclan/asdf/asdf.lisp

It worth checking out clbuild. http://common-lisp.net/project/clbuild/

To get a lisp webserver up and running. You only need:

darcs get http://common-lisp.net/project/clbuild/clbuild
cd clbuild
chmod +x ./clbuild
./clbuild check
./clbuild build slime hunchentoot
./clbuild preloaded

Now a lisp repl will start. There you write:

* (hunchentoot:start-server :port 8080)

Testing that the server answer:

wget -O - http://localhost:8080/

 <body><h2>Hunchentoot Default Page</h2>
  <p>This is the Hunchentoot default page....

use clc:clc-require in clisp. Refer to 'man common-lisp-controller'. I had the same error in clisp and resolved it by using clc:clc-require. sbcl works fine with just require though.

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