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“Standardized” way of handling the lifecycle of a Java EE application

When developing an Java EE Application, I often came across the 'problem' to do stuff when the application is started, stopped etc. Now for Weblogic for example, there is a mechanism for that (the application life-cycle listener). But if you want to keep your application free from stuff that is app. server specific, you have to find a different solution. Some recommend using a servlet that is loaded on start-up, and "abuse" the init() / destroy() .

Others say use a ServletContextListener . To me, the last one sounds best (according to the java doc for ServletContextListener . Unfortunately, today I tried JBoss 7, where it seems that jax-ws webservices are initialized before any other Servlet , thus before the ServletContextListener gets a notification.

Long story short - am I just facing some app server specific issues here - or is there any "more appropriate", standardized Java EE way to register things, do stuff, before any webservice, servlet, whatsoever is initialized?

If your webservices are annotated like this

public interface YourServiceEndpoint

they are no real servlets yet, but JBoss (Jax-WS) will turn them into a startup.

I am using jboss-4.2.3 and I am also getting these messages before my ServletContextListner is called.

[org.jboss.wsf.framework.management.DefaultEndpointRegistry] register: jboss.ws:context=crm,endpoint=YourService

But I wonder, if this webservice is available before the complete application has started because nearly at the end of deployment I get following messages

[org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.WSDLFilePublisher]  WSDL published to: ... YourServlet(..).wsdl

So I would guess, that this is a jboss related issue. Maybe we should test on another app server to proof so.

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