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PHP OOP Mysql Query

I'm quite new to PHP OOP and I have a question regarding a simple MYSQL query. I have an index.php page where I want to output my results from my query.class file.

Here is my method,

 public function Query($rowName) {

   $q = mysql_query("SELECT * from p_tuts");

   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) {

       echo $row[$rowName];

Now this works fine and I can call it though my index.php file


But my issue is I want to wrap each content block in DIV containers and don't want to have to echo the HTML code in the class file, so I want to really echo the row's data in the index file, but unsure how to do this.

Kind regards

Pass the rows back as an array.

public function Query($colName) {

    $q = mysql_query("SELECT * from p_tuts");
    $rows = array();
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
        $rows[] = $row[$colName];
    return $rows;

It's better this way anyway, because it keeps database code away from output code (ie echo ).

Then output it like so:

$results = $Database->Query('tut_content');
foreach ($results as $result): ?>
    <div><?php echo $result; ?></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>

You dont want to be doing the echo in your class.

You want to return the row...

This way


Can be wrapped in the DIV / whatever you need...

OOP functions are the same as normal function. The function as you have it only echos $row[$rowname] . You either want to modify it to have it echo <div>$row[$rowname]</div> or have it return the row values as an array:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) {
   $output[] = $row[$rowName];
return $output;

use the MVC pattern.


the database belongs to the Model

Good Luck

Or you can use my favorite database layer http://dibiphp.com/ . It's small but smart :-)

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