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How to get complete current url for Cakephp

你如何在 Cake 的视图中回显当前 URL?

You can do either

From a view file:

<?php echo $this->request->here() ?>">

Which will give you the absolute url from the hostname ie /controller/action/params


<?php echo Router::url(null, true) ?> 

which should give you the full url with the hostname.

I prefer this, because if I don't mention "request" word, my IDE gives warning.

<?php echo $this->request->here; ?>

API Document: class-CakeRequest

Edit: To clarify all options

Current URL: http://example.com/en/controller/action/?query=12

// Router::url(null, true)

// Router::url(null, false)

// $this->request->here

// $this->request->here()

// $this->request->here(false)

// $this->request->url


// strtok($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"],'?');
<?php echo $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ]; ?>


<?php echo $this->Html->url( null, true ); ?>

The following "Cake way" is useful because you can grab the full current URL and modify parts of it without manually having to parse out the $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ] string and then manually concatenating it back into a valid url for output.

Full current url:
Router::reverse($this->request, true)

Easily modifying specific parts of current url:
1) make a copy of Cake's request object: $request_copy = $this->request

2) Then modify $request_copy->params and/or $request_copy->query arrays

3) Finally: $new_url = Router::reverse($request_copy, true) .

Cakephp 3.5:

echo $this->Url->build($this->getRequest()->getRequestTarget());

Calling $this->request->here() is deprecated since 3.4, and will be removed in 4.0.0. You should use getRequestTarget() instead. $this->request is also deprecated, $this->getRequest() should be used.

I know this post is a little dated, and CakePHP versions have flourished since. In the current (2.1.x) version of CakePHP and even in 1.3.x if I am not mistaken, one can get the current controller/view url like this:


While this method does NOT return the parameters, it is handy if you want to append parameters to a link when building new URL's. For example, we have the current URL:


And we want to append a custom parameter action called c_action with a value of remove_image, one could make use of $this->params['url]; and merge it with an array of custom parameter key => value pairs:

echo $this->Html->link('remove image', array_merge($this->params['url'], array('c_action' => 'remove_image'));

Using the above method we are able to append our custom parameters to the link and not cause a long chain on parameters to build up on the URL, because $this->params['url] only ever returns the controll action URL.

In the above example we'd need to manually add the ID of 6 back into the URL, so perahaps the final link build would be like this:

echo $this->Html->link('remove image', array_merge($this->params['url'], array($id,'c_action' => 'remove_image'));

Where $is is a the ID of the project and you would have assigned it to the variable $id at controller level . The new URL will then be:


Sorry if this is in the slightest unrelated, but I ran across this question when searching for a method to achieve the above and thought others may benefit from it.

for CakePHP 3:

$this->Url->build(null, true) // full URL with hostname

$this->Url->build(null) // /controller/action/params

Getting current URL for CakePHP 3.x ?

In your layout :

    $here = $this->request->here();
    $canonical = $this->Url->build($here, true);

You will get the full URL of the current page including query string parameters.

eg http://website.example/controller/action?param=value

You can use it in a meta tag canonical if you need to do some SEO.

<link rel="canonical" href="<?= $canonical; ?>">

Getting the current URL is fairly straight forward in your view file

echo Router::url($this->here, true);

This will return the full url http://www.example.com/subpath/subpath

If you just want the relative path, use the following

echo $this->here;


Ideally Router::url(“”, true) should return an absolute URL of the current view, but it always returns the relative URL. So the hack to get the absolute URL is

$absolute_url  = FULL_BASE_URL + Router::url(“”, false);

To get FULL_BASE_URL check here

In the request object you have everything you need. To understand it:


and in your case

$here = $this->request->url;

To get the full URL without parameters:

echo $this->Html->url('/', true);

will return http(s)://(www.)your-domain.com

The simplest way I found is it that includes host/path/query and
works in Controllers ( Cakephp 3.4 ):


which returns something like this (we use it as login callback url) :

After a few research, I got this as perfect Full URL for CakePHP 3.*


the Full URL will be something like this


More info you can read here: https://pritomkumar.blogspot.com/2017/04/how-to-get-complete-current-url-for.html

The Cake way for 1.3 is to use Router::reverse:

Link to documentation

$url = Router::reverse($this->params)
echo $url;



Cakephp 3.x 随处可见:


for CakePHP 3.x You can use UrlHelper :

$this->Url->build(null, true) // output http://somedomain.com/app-name/controller/action/params

$this->Url->build() // output /controller/action/params

Or you can use PaginatorHelper (in case you want to use it in javascript or ...):

$this->Paginator->generateUrl() // returns a full pagination URL without hostname

$this->Paginator->generateUrl([],null,true) // returns a full pagination URL with hostname

for cakephp3+:

$url = $this->request->scheme().'://'.$this->request->domain().$this->request->here(false);

will get eg: http://bgq.dev/home/index?t44=333

In View:

Blank URL: <?php echo $this->Html->Url('/') ?>
Blank Full Url: <?php echo $this->Html->Url('/', true) ?>
Current URL: <?php echo $this->Html->Url($this->here) ?>
Current Full URL: <?php echo $this->Html->Url($this->here, true) ?>

In Controller

Blank URL: <?php echo Router::url('/') ?>
Blank Full Url: <?php echo Router::url('/', true) ?>
Current URL: <?php echo Router::url($this->request->here()) ?>
Current Full URL: <?php echo Router::url($this->request->here(), true) ?>

All previously proposed approaches didn't satisfy my requirements for getting a complete URL (complete as in qualified) eg to be used in an email send from controller action. I need the scheme and hostname as well then, and thus stumbled over the following approach:

<?php echo Router::url( array( $id ), true ) ?>

Due to providing router array current controller and action is kept, however id isn't and thus has to be provided here again. Second argument true is actually requesting to prepend hostname etc. for getting full URL.

Using Router::url() is available in every situation and thus can be used in view files as well.

Yes, is easy FULL URL in Controler Work in CakePHP 1.3 >

<?php echo Router::url( array('controller'=>$this->params['controller'],'action'=>$this->params['action']), true );


Use Html helper

<?php echo $this->Html->url($this->here, true); ?> 

It'll produce the full url which'll started from http or https

In CakePHP 3 $this->here will be deprecated. The actual way is using this method:


For CakePHP 4.*

echo $this->Html->link(
    ['controller' => 'Dashboards', 'action' => 'index', '_full' => true]

If you want to return the base path, you can check that the Router class is using Configure::read ('App.fullBaseUrl') . So if you are a fan of hexagonal architecture, you can create a Cake implementation for creating URLs that will only use Configure from all CakePHP framework.

I use $this->here for the path, to get the whole URL you'll have to do as Juhana said and use the $_SERVER variables. There's no need to use a Cake function for this.

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