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How to get the base Url in cakephp?

I'm using Html Helper css() method to link my stylesheets just like this: <?php echo $this->Html->css('reset.css');?> but what if my CakePHP app is accessed through a path other than http://site.domain.com , ie http://site.domain.com/my_app

What would be the best command to link my stylesheet?

The exact same command should work:

echo $this->Html->css('reset.css');

It automatically adds the path to the CSS folder if the given path 'reset.css' doesn't start with a slash.

By the way, if you do need to get the base url in Cake, you can use the Router class:

//with http://site.domain.com/my_app
echo Router::url('/')       //-> /my_app
echo Router::url('/', true) //-> http://site.domain.com/my_app

There are a few different ways to get the base path. I use

echo $this->webroot; //Note: auto appends trailing slash


echo $this->html->url('/', true);

On a related note.

If you need the theme url you can do this:


You must format: WWW_ROOT . DS . 'css/file.css';

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