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SQL Server 2008 - complex Insert Trigger

I`m not a SQL programmer, but I have encountered an obstacle during my project and have to construct a trigger, which will fire after insert command. The problem is as follows:

I have 3 tables:

dbo. Build

id   (PK, int, not null)
date (smalldatetime, not null)


id   (PK, int, not null)
Name (nvarchar(200), not null)


id              (PK, int, not null)
build_id        (FK, int, not null)
testcase_id     (FK, int, not null)
passed          (int, null)            //1 or 0
executed        (int, null)            //1 or 0
duration        (real, null)
fail_percentage (real, null)           //null

now, I read data from .xml files and add the data to database via project written in C#. After each build I have to update the database and count fail_percentage for each test basing on 'passed' and 'executed' values.

fail_percentage = (100)*(1 - (PassNumber/ExecutionNumber))

so I need a trigger, which will: 1. fire after insert command 2. count fail_percentage basing on earlier values eg

after reading from file:

id  build_id  testcase_id  passed  executed  duration  fail_percentage
1   1         001          1       1         12:09     null

after trigger:

id  build_id  testcase_id  passed  executed  duration  fail_percentage
1   1         001          1       1         12:09     0

after reading from file:
id  build_id  testcase_id  passed  executed  duration  fail_percentage
1   1         001          1       1         12:09     0
2   2         001          0       1         12:32     null

after trigger:
id  build_id  testcase_id  passed  executed  duration  fail_percentage
1   1         001          1       1         12:09     0
2   2         001          0       1         12:32     50

could anyone give me a hand ?

Thanks in advance, Artur


I did it without using triggers, inside my application I store all the needed data in a dictionary:

  • test name as a key value
  • pass value and executed value as a values

then I count percentage and insert it to the database.

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