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Issue in fetching record from database

I have a field name "date" datatype "char" and value in thid field is "04-08-2011 04:47:08 EDT" but when i want to fetch the records from our data base basis on date like

select * from table_name where date="04-08-2011 04:47:08 EDT"

but i dont get any result for this query,any one can help me

Try using the LIKE statement, because if your field has X chars and you insert X-3 chars, the 3 left chars are filled with spaces, so modify your query to be like:

select * from table_name where date LIKE "04-08-2011 04:47:08 EDT%"

EDIT: date is a field type in MySQL, so this query isn't valid. If your field is 'date', you need to put it between ``, so the query will be like this:

select * from table_name where `date`="04-08-2011 04:47:08 EDT"

If you're using the datatype char then any characters that are under the set length of the column will be right padded with spaces.


char (30) would pad like so:

04-08-2011 04:47:08 EDT     <-- spaces up to arrow

Use a date datatype or varchar (if you must).

In response to comment:

Have you run this query from phpMyAdmin? If so, does it return any rows, if not, try.

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