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How to make a <div> display its own width as text inside it?

thanks for reading.

I have a forum and I'm trying to add a java applet into it that is the same width as the post it's contained in. Therefore before I compile the JAR I need to know the width of the posts, which is the maximum width the applet can be.

What I need to know is how to make a div that is width 100%, so it stretches to the very sides of the post and inside the div it tells me how wide it is. It would be extremely helpful as I can't measure with a program how wide the post is because I can't see the boundaries due to the design.

Thanks in advance so much for helping, Gergy.

How about this (assuming you're using jQuery!):


Without jQuery, give this a shot:



    <div id="mydiv">


       var div = document.getElementById("mydiv");
       div.innerHTML = (div.offsetWidth);

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