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Dropdown Navigation Menu Using Javascript in Wordpress

I've been working on a wordpress site for an internship and I'm wanting to embed javascript code in a page to create a dropdown menu that navigates the browser to the selected page.

I'm wondering, is there something special you need to do to allow js to work in a wp page? I tried the following code embedded in the page using the html side of posting option:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function menu_goto( menuform )
    // see http://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/navigation.shtml
    // for an explanation of this script and how to use it on your
    // own site

    var baseurl = "" ;
    selecteditem = menuform.newurl.selectedIndex ;
    newurl = menuform.newurl.options[ selecteditem ].value ;
    if (newurl.length != 0) {
      top.location.href = baseurl + newurl ;

<form action="dummyvalue">
<select name="newurl" onchange="menu_goto(this.form)">
<option value="" selected="selected">----- Select A Product -----</option>
<option value="vene-prototype-version/">VENE Prototype Version</option>
<option value="configuration-vene-version/">VENE Configuration Version</option>
<option value="customized-vene-version/"> VENE Customized Version</option>

The dropdown menu appears, but fails to redirect the browser on change. I have tried surrounding the code in the page with the tags and that has no effect either.

thanks for the help!

Developer Tools show a parse error in your JS. Probably from WP automatically inserting paragraph returns. Remove all the white space and carriage returns in the JS and try it.

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