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Swear filter case sensitive

I have a little problem with my function:

function swear_filter($string){
    $search = array(
    $replace = array(
    return preg_replace($search , $replace, $string);

It should transform "bad-word" to " * *" but the problem is the case sensivity

eg. if the user type "baD-word" it doesn't work.

The values in your $search array are not regular expressions.

First, fix that:

$search = array(

Then, you can apply the i flag for case-insensitivity:

$search = array(

You don't need the g flag to match globally (ie more than once each) because preg_replace will handle that for you.

However, you could probably do with using the word boundary metacharacter \b to avoid matching your "bad-word" string inside another word . This may have consequences on how you form your list of "bad words".

$search = array(

Live demo.

If you don't want to pollute $search with these implementation details, then you can do the same thing a bit more programmatically:

$search = array_map(
   create_function('$str', 'return "/\b" . preg_quote($str, "/") . "\b/i";'),

(I've not used the recent PHP lambda syntax because codepad doesn't support it; look it up if you are interested!)

Live demo.

Update Full code:

function swear_filter($string){
    $search = array(

    $replace = array(

    // regex-ise input
    $search = array_map(
       create_function('$str', 'return "/\b" . preg_quote($str, "/") . "\b/i";'),

    return preg_replace($search, $replace, $string);

I think you mean


Do you even need to use regex?

function swear_filter($string){
    $search = array(
    if (in_array(strtolower($string), $search){
        return '****';
    return $search

makes the following assumptions.

1) $string contains characters acceptable in the current local

2) all contents of the $search array are lowercase

edit: 3) Entire string consists of bad word

I suppose this would only work if the string was split and evaluated on a per word basis.

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