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count in where clause using hibernate criteria

I have simple model of project with users. Suppose I need to select all the projects that have for example minimum of 5 users. In sql it would be something like this (I haven't tried it, might be mistake somewhere):

select * from PROJECTS p where count(select * from USERS u left join PROJECT_MEMBERS m on u.object_id=m.user_id where m.project_id=p.object_id)>5;

In project model I have:

private Set<UserModel> users = new HashSet<UserModel>();

and its mapped like that:

<set name="users" 
    <key column="project_id" />

Currently my dao looks like that:

Criteria hbCriteria = session.createCriteria(ProjectModelImpl.class);
hbCriteria.add(Restrictions.ilike("name", criteria.getProjectName(), MatchMode.ANYWHERE));
return hbCriteria.list();

How can I add create criterion that would select only those projects that have criteria.getMinUsers() users?

Let me know if you need any more code or mapping


.add(Restrictions.sizeGe("users", criteria.getMinUsers()))

The solution of Vlad is definitely better than this one. I let it here anyway to show you how Subqueries can be used.

Use a subquery:

Criteria hbCriteria = session.createCriteria(ProjectModelImpl.class, "project");
hbCriteria.add(Restrictions.ilike("project.name", criteria.getProjectName(), MatchMode.ANYWHERE));

DetachedCriteria count = DetachedCriteria.forClass("ProjectModelImpl.class", "project2");
count.createAlias("project2.users", "member");
count.add(Restrictions.eq("project2.id", "project.id");

hbCriteria.add(Subqueries.le(5, count));
return hbCriteria.list();

use a detachedCritera first

DetachedCriteria countOfUsers = DetachedCriteria.forClass("ProjectModelImpl.class", "proj");
countOfUsers .createAlias("proj.users", "member");
countOfUsers .setProjection(proj.count("member.id");

use a alias on that property and then use that alias to create a restriction on it.

Criteria hbCriteria = session.createCriteria(ProjectModelImpl.class) 
hbCriteria.add(Restrictions.ilike("name", criteria.getProjectName(), MatchMode.ANYWHERE))
return hbCriteria.list();

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