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How do I parse an HTML document with JSoup to get a list of links?

I am trying to parse http://www.craigslist.org/about/sites to build a set of text/links to load a program dynamically with this information. So far I have done this:

Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://www.craigslist.org/about/sites").get();
Elements elms = doc.select("div.colmask"); // gets 7 countries

Below this tag there are doc.select("div.state_delimiter,ul") tags I am trying to get. I setup my iterator and go into a while look and call iterator.next().outerHtml(); . I see all the tags for each country.

How can I step through each div.state_delimiter , pull that text then go down until there is a </ul> which defines the end of the states individual counties/cities links/text?

I was playing around with this and can do it by setting outerHtml() to a String and then parsing the string manually, but I am sure there is an easier way to do this. I have tried text() and also tried attr("div.state_delimiter") , but I think I am messing up the pattern/routine to do this properly. Was wondering if someone could help me out here and show me how to get the div.state_delimiter into a text field and then the <ul><li></li></ul> I want all the <li></li> under the <ul></ul> for each state. Looking to grab the http:// && html that goes along with it as easy as possible.

The <ul> containing the cities is the next sibling of the <div class="state_delimiter"> . You can use Element#nextElementSibling() to grab it from that div on. Here's a kickoff example:

Document document = Jsoup.connect("http://www.craigslist.org/about/sites").get();
Elements countries = document.select("div.colmask");

for (Element country : countries) {
    System.out.println("Country: " + country.select("h1.continent_header").text());
    Elements states = country.select("div.state_delimiter");

    for (Element state : states) {
        System.out.println("\tState: " + state.text());
        Elements cities = state.nextElementSibling().select("li");

        for (Element city : cities) {
            System.out.println("\t\tCity: " + city.text());

The doc.select("div.state_delimiter,ul") doesn't do what you want. It returns all <div class="state_delimiter"> and <ul> elements of the document. Manually parsing it by string functions makes no sense if you've already a HTML parser at hands.

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