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How do I make a URL for Jsoup to parse?

So I'm making a program that extracts the lyrics from a user given song off of AZ Lyrics. The problem I'm having is that after converting the string to a URL, it says Jsoup is not able to parse it because it doesn't accept strings despite the variable being a URL that we are passing in.

String strURL = "http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/" + artist + "/" + song + ".html"; 

URL url = new URL(strURL);

Document doc = Jsoup.parse(url);

What should I do?

I dont know which version of jsoup your are using, but as per latest version the parse method with url alone is not available. You need to pass a timeOut. So try

Document doc = Jsoup.parse(url, 30000);

There is a connect method which would be the best option (IMO). You could pass the stringURL variable directly. Try

Document doc = Jsoup.connect(strURL).get();

If these didn't help check the value of artist and song variables.

You don't need to convert the string strURL to URL , this should work:

Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/" + artist + "/" + song + ".html").timeout(10000).get();
String html = doc.text();

I've set a timeout of 10 seconds, adjust to fit your needs.

You can take a look at the available methods here

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