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Class Extends In Php

I have 3 pieces of the file

1. a.php

    class a {
         public function name () {
             return "My name is ukungzulfah";

2. b.php

    class b extends a {
         function na () {
             echo $ this-> name ();



    include "a.php";
    include "b.php";

    $ te = new b;
    echo $ te:: na ();


The result is an error: Fatal error: Using $ this Pls note in object context in C: \\ xampp \\ htdocs \\ sampleNetbeans \\ controller \\ welcome.php on line 4.

Is there something wrong with the code above. if called from b.php was no problem, the problem only if the call by c.php file.

You are using static syntax ( $object::method() ) when you need to use instance syntax ( $object->method() ).

Try echo $te->na(); instead of echo $te::na(); .

This is the only problem I can see in the code you have pasted, except for the unusual whitespace ( $ te and $ te:: na () ) which actually causes compiler errors for me.

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