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Linq query taking too long

I wonder if someone can help me with this. I have a LINQ query - no problems with it, but it takes far too long to return data

var result = Context.paf_wgs84.Where(c => c.Postcode.Contains(postcode)).Take(15);

Very simple, the idea as the user is typing, using AJAX, it returns a set of 15 possible matches.

The problem is, there are 1.6 million records

Running the following code in management studio takes around 3 seconds

SELECT   code
FROM     paf_wgs84
WHERE    (code LIKE '%EC1%')

where as running the following code takes less than a second

SELECT   TOP 15  code
FROM     paf_wgs84
WHERE    (code LIKE '%EC1%')

Is there a way of doing something similar in LINQ without using .take() ?

You can try something like this. This will only return one column.

var result = Context.paf_wgs84.Where(c => c.Postcode.Contains(postcode)).Select(x=>new {x.Postcode}).Take(15);

The generated Sql statement will look like this.

-- Region Parameters
DECLARE @p0 VarChar(1000) = '%s%'
-- EndRegion
SELECT TOP (15) [t0].[code]
FROM [paf_wgs84] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[code] LIKE @p0

the problem might be that your contains method in the statemnt it is not being mapped to a like statement in sql and you end up getting all the rows into sql and then doing a cotains search in your web tier instead of doing the same in your DB.

Use SqlMethods for the same.. somethig as follows:

SqlMethods.Like(c.Postcode, string.Format("%{0}%",postcode));

sometimes you can also use the string methods like: String.StartsWith or String.Ends with but in this you cant..

Also - LIKE clauses starting % are rarely a good idea - not least, it can't make effective use of any index. You might have better performance using "full text search"; but this isn't directly available via LINQ

hope that helps your problem.

The performance of these types of queries has been greatly improved in SQL Server 2012 using the new FETCH and OFFSET statements (although I haven't seen much benchmarking data to date...).

The trouble is EF doesnt utilize these new features yet.

A possible solution is to use SQL Server 2012 and write a sproc with FETCH/OFFSET and then target this using EF. Definitely not a short term solution but I wanted to point out this option.

I altered the statement to

var result = Context.paf_wgs84.Where(c => c.Postcode.StartsWith(postcode)).Take(10).Select(c => c.Postcode).ToArray();

I used a foreach look to add to a string array - I think this is where I was losing time!

Thanks for everyones help though.

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