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Java list best practice

I need some container to keep elements so, if I'll try to get the size()+i element, i'll get element number i. Or with iterator, which starts from the beginning of container after it tries to get the last element? What are the best practicies in both cases? I mean performance and easy useability.

You could create a simple subclass of ArrayList<T> and override the get(int n) method as follows:

public T get(int n)
    return super.get(n % this.size());

As to the iterator, you will need to implement your own, which shouldn't be all that hard.


Assuming your new class is called RingList, here's a sample RingIterator (untested):

public class RingIterator<T> implements Iterator<T>
    private int cur = 0;
    private RingList<T> coll = null;

    protected RingIterator(RingList<T> coll) { this.coll = coll; }
    public boolean hasNext() { return size() > 0; }
    public T next() 
        if (!hasNext()) 
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        int i=cur++; 
        return coll.get(i);
    public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }

You would then override the iterator() method in RingList<T> as

public Iterator<T> iterator()
    return new RingIterator(this);

For the first part, just ask for n % list.size() perhaps?

For the iterator part, create a class that wraps an iterator, and when next() returns null, just have it reset the iterator.

Thanks everyone, thats what I've created:

public class RingIterator<E> {
private List<E> _lst;
private ListIterator<E> _lstIter;

public RingIterator(ListIterator<E> iter, List<E> lst) {
    _lstIter = iter;
    _lst = lst;

public E next() {
        _lstIter = _lst.listIterator();
    return _lstIter.next();

public E previous() {
        _lstIter = _lst.listIterator(_lst.size());
    return _lstIter.previous();


Then get method:

 * Returns ring iterator,
 * use it with 'ParentClass' type.
public RingIterator<SubClass> getRingIter(int i) {
    return new RingIterator(_subs.listIterator(i),_subs);

And I use it:

RingIterator<SubClass> ri = _logic.getRingIter(1);
ParentClass ai = ri.next();

I wanted to make only type ParentClass (not SubClass) available via getRingIter, but I don't see a way to do it with no creation of List - convertion of List.

Extend the ArrayList class and implement the get(Integer) method the way you like. I think this is the 'best practice'.

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