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How to amend my tooltip javascript?

This script fires whenever I'm on a link. I want to change it to fire up when Im on a simple div like: <div id="personal"></div> . Thanks for help!

html at the moment:

<a href="#" class="fixedTip" title="Hello, I am aToolTip">Fixed Tooltip</a>


<script type="text/javascript">

                    fixed: true

                    clickIt: true,
                    tipContent: 'Hello I am aToolTip with content from the "tipContent" param'

                    clickIt: true,
                    onShow: function(){alert('I fired OnShow')},
                    onHide: function(){alert('I fired OnHide')}


main script:

(function($) {
    $.fn.aToolTip = function(options) {
            setup default settings
        var defaults = {
            // no need to change/override
            closeTipBtn: 'aToolTipCloseBtn',
            toolTipId: 'aToolTip',
            // ok to override
            fixed: false,
            clickIt: false,
            inSpeed: 200,
            outSpeed: 100,
            tipContent: '',
            toolTipClass: 'defaultTheme',
            xOffset: 5,
            yOffset: 5,
            onShow: null,
            onHide: null
        // This makes it so the users custom options overrides the default ones
        settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);

        return this.each(function() {
            var obj = $(this);
                Decide weather to use a title attr as the tooltip content
                // set the tooltip content/text to be the obj title attribute
                var tipContent = obj.attr('title');  
            } else {
                // if no title attribute set it to the tipContent option in settings
                var tipContent = settings.tipContent;

                Build the markup for aToolTip
            var buildaToolTip = function(){
                $('body').append("<div id='"+settings.toolTipId+"' class='"+settings.toolTipClass+"'><p class='aToolTipContent'>"+tipContent+"</p></div>");

                if(tipContent && settings.clickIt){
                    $('#'+settings.toolTipId+' p.aToolTipContent')
                    .append("<a id='"+settings.closeTipBtn+"' href='#' alt='close'>close</a>");
                Position aToolTip
            positionaToolTip = function(){
                    top: (obj.offset().top - $('#'+settings.toolTipId).outerHeight() - settings.yOffset) + 'px',
                    left: (obj.offset().left + obj.outerWidth() + settings.xOffset) + 'px'
                .stop().fadeIn(settings.inSpeed, function(){
                    if ($.isFunction(settings.onShow)){
                Remove aToolTip
            removeaToolTip = function(){
                // Fade out
                $('#'+settings.toolTipId).stop().fadeOut(settings.outSpeed, function(){

                Decide what kind of tooltips to display
            // Regular aToolTip
            if(tipContent && !settings.clickIt){    
                // Activate on hover    
                    // remove already existing tooltip
                    obj.attr({title: ''});
                }, function(){ 

            // Click activated aToolTip
            if(tipContent && settings.clickIt){
                // Activate on click    
                    // remove already existing tooltip
                    obj.attr({title: ''});
                    // Click to close tooltip
                        return false;
                    return false;           

            // Follow mouse if enabled
            if(!settings.fixed && !settings.clickIt){
                        top: (el.pageY - $('#'+settings.toolTipId).outerHeight() - settings.yOffset),
                        left: (el.pageX + settings.xOffset)

        }); // END: return this

Maybe try this:

$('div').aToolTip(); // For any div
$('div#myID').aToolTip(); // For div with id="myID"
$('div.myClass').aToolTip(); // For div with class="myClass"

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