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C++ Boost Read CSV data and add double quotes to certain columns then re-write back to file

I have CSV data file contained follow info:

-0.2500000000,15, 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;0;0;0;0;0;15;0;0 ,0,0

I only want to add double quotes around those data with semi-colon between them. And I know a specific data that needs to add double quotes.

After add double quotes it should be like this.

-0.2500000000,15, "15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;0;0;0;0;0;15;0;0" ,0,0

I need to add double quotes for each line of CSV data text line, re-write back to samefile or different. What I plan to do is, using boost token

typedef boost::tokenizer <boost::escaped_list_separator<char> > my_tokenizerDL;

while (getline(infile, line) && lineCount <= NumOfRecords)
    for (my_tokenizerDL::iterator it(tok.begin()), end(tok.end()); it != end; ++it)

    for (vector < string >::iterator _mit(mystrDL.begin()); _mit != mystrDL.end(); _mit++)
        //get token position and add double quotes 

////////////dump back to file/////////////////

If you have some advises, I appreciate for your opinions.

================================================================================= After Chad helped out, here are the whole codes which are working as what I need: Purpose: Read csv data txt file each line, then search for column which has ";" between them, and add double quotes around them. Finally, write it back to file. There is an extra "," at the end of each csv data line. I did not fix it!

    ifstream infile("c:\\inputD.csv");
if (!infile)
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

ofstream CSVToFile("c:\\TestCSV.csv", ios::out);
std::string line_from_file;
std::vector<std::string> split_line_to_file;
while (getline(infile, line_from_file))
    boost::split(split_line_to_file, line_from_file, boost::is_any_of(","));

    for(auto str = split_line_to_file.begin(), end = split_line_to_file.end();
        str != end; ++str)

        if(std::string::npos != str->find(';'))
            (*str) = "\"" + (*str) + "\",";
            (*str) = (*str) + ",";

        CSVToFile << (*str);

        if (*str == split_line_to_file.back())

    CSVToFile << ";"<<std::endl;

If you format is as simple as you describe, I'd use boost::split given the string and the delimeter of ','. Then just put quotes around any string that contains a ; .

Similar to this:

// warning:  pseudo code...

std::string line_from_file;
std::vector<std::string> split_line_to_file;

boost::split(split_line_to_file, line_from_file, boost::is_any_of(","));

for(auto str = split_line_to_file.begin(), end = split_line_to_file.end();
    str != end; ++str)
   if(std::string::npos != str->find(';'))
      (*str) = "\"" + (*str) + "\"";

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