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Eclipse CDT: How can I change background color of tooltip in editor?

I'm using eclipse for coding C++ and Java. When declaration or definition is shown, background is black. It happens only in C++ srouce file. I dont have this problem while editing Java source files.

I have installed Eclipse Color Theme. I'm not able to find where i can set background color of this window. I have been searching in General/Appearance/Colors and Fonts and C/C++/Editor/Syntax Coloring without result.


Switching to a clean workspace might help but I found the curprit if you want to manually edit it. Look in:

[my workspace]/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.prefs



and make it "true". Restart Eclipse. Of course this assumes that your system default background colour is not black.

I had this problem because I installed this plugin. I tried out the themes but when I decided on the original and swapped back to it the tool tips were broken in this fashion. Unfortunately the only way I managed to fix it was by "reinstalling" eclipse.

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