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Copy specific table data from one database to another in SQL Server

I need to copy specific data from select set of tables in one SQL Server to another SQL Server. Any pointers to this will be really helpful.

Create a linked server or use Openrowset to create a connection with remote server.

use linked server if you need to perform routine task with remote server else use openrowset.


See this also

还有一个SSIS向导,又名SQL Server导入/导出向导,而不是完整的表副本,而是指定源查询,保存到磁盘(假设您需要定期重新运行该过程),瞧,将数据复制到一个盒子中

you can copy data from one database to another. The mysql query is:

insert into database2.table_name2(field name) 
select table_name1.field_name from table_name1 
    where table_name1.field_name = condition

The above mysql query is used for copy specific data between databases. Suppose you want to copy whole table datd, then you will use following query:

insert into database2.table_name2(field name) 
select table_name1.field_name from table_name1

You can move data to another table, or you can create a table based on the other table. Your question is a good one that I have heard before so I wrote a quick blog post explaining the options

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