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Ruby remove empty lines from string

How do i remove empty lines from a string? I have tried some_string = some_string.gsub(/^$/, "");

and much more, but nothing works.

Remove blank lines:

str.gsub /^$\n/, ''

Note: unlike some of the other solutions, this one actually removes blank lines and not line breaks :)

>> a = "a\n\nb\n"
=> "a\n\nb\n"
>> a.gsub /^$\n/, ''
=> "a\nb\n"

Explanation: matches the start ^ and end $ of a line with nothing in between, followed by a line break.

Alternative, more explicit (though less elegant) solution:

str.each_line.reject{|x| x.strip == ""}.join

挤压(或挤压!)就是这样 - 没有正则表达式。


Replace multiple newlines with a single one:

fixedstr = str.gsub(/\n\n+/, "\n") 


str.gsub!(/\n\n+/, "\n") 


my_string.gsub(/\n{2,}/, '\n')


some_string = some_string.gsub(/\n/,'')


some_string = some_string.gsub(/^$\n/,'')

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