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How to set value in a cell using QtActive

i am trying to put the values into an excel sheet through QtActive's QAxObject. i succeeded upto getting a work sheet. Now the win32 API to set the value for a cell is

Some_Excel_Object xx=worksheet->Cells();
xx->item[row][column] = 5;

Here i got upto the "xx". But,I don't know how to implement the above second line. I will be very thankful to the person who sheds a light on this issue.

In Qt we can do it by using following piece of code.

int rowRange = 1;
int colRange = 1;
QString values = "Test";
QAxObject * range = temp_Worksheet->querySubObject("Cells(int,int)",rowRange,colRange);

Try this !! Good Luck !!

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