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What is the maximum capacity of MongoDB? Is it a fully scalable DB?

I wish to use MongoDB in one of my projects created with asp.net and c#. What is the maximum capacity of MongoDB? Is it a fully scalable DB? Also wish to know about achieving replication using sharding.

Yes MongoDB is fully scalable .

They have a laundry list of deployments over at MongoDB Production Deployments . MongoDB is trusted with some of the biggest of the "big data" web 2.0 sites such as foursquare, etc, etc. To give an example:

Wordnik stores its entire text corpus in MongoDB - 1.2TB of data in over 5 billion records.

However, when you get to sharding you will want to ensure you don't run your nodes at close to capacity (see: MongoDB CTO on Foursquare's Scaling Issues )

Yes, MongoDB is designed from the ground up to be a scalable database. You can split your data across several hardware nodes, known as sharding , which is great for scaling both reads and writes.

You can also keep synchronised copies of your data across different nodes, known as replica sets , which is good for scaling reads and providing failover.

Scalable production deployments use a combination of both. A great resource for learning more about MongoDB scaling is this book, Scaling MongoDB by Kristina Chodorow

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