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Create dynamic proxies on System.Type

I have List<Type> , here Type is interface which i got using reflection. So how to create the wcf proxy using channnel factory on these Type.


foreach(Type t in types)
t proxy = ChannelFactory<t>.CreateChannel(new NetTcpBinding(), 
             new EndpointAddress(serviceAddress));

Here t is interface but the above code is giving compiler error.Can anybody tell me how to create wcf service proxy on Type.

You can use reflection and call the method Type.MakeGenericType :

foreach (Type t in types)
    Type genType = typeof(ChannelFactory<>).MakeGenericType(t);

    MethodInfo createChannelMethod = genType.GetMethod("CreateChannel", 
                                        new[] { typeof(Binding),
                                                typeof(EndpointAddress) });

    var proxy = createChannelMethod.Invoke(
                                new object[] { 
                                    new NetTcpBinding(), 
                                    new EndpointAddress(serviceAddress) 

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