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cv maillist script

I've been trying to send many cv at once. But my script doesn't work. The getrow program works well -> parse a cv file
Any idea?


I was stupid. I forgot that my variable was not i
Here is my revised code (that still doesn't work).
Do you know how to increment $var0?



LIMIT=$(getrow $1)

while [ "$index" -lt "$LIMIT" ]
    (mail1_s $(getrow $1 $index 1) $(getrow $1 $index 2) ; uuencode $vc $vc ; uuencode $tiv $tiv) | mailx -s "candidature spontanèe" $(getrow $1 $index 0)
    echo -n "mail number $index has been sent" ; echo
    sleep 7
    let "index+=1"


exit 0

EDIT6 : solved, i deleted the output because it contained my mail.
The script above has been edited and works. See ya.

对我来说,这似乎是一个问题$var0++ ,请尝试var0 = $var0 + 1来更新值。

So the answer is simple. To increment the while loop, you use let index+=1 with index the variable.

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