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Enable and disable button using javascript and asp.net

I am checking if user exists in database if exists I am showing message as "existed user" and then I need to disable the signup button if not I need to enable it.

I am unable to enable and disable the sign Up button.

Can anyone help me in this issue?

Here is my code:

 <script type="text/javascript">
     $(function () {
         $("#<% =btnavailable.ClientID %>").click(function () {
             if ($("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").val() == "") {
                 $("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").removeClass().addClass('notavailablecss').text('Required field cannot be blank').fadeIn("slow");

             } else {
                 $("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").removeClass().addClass('messagebox').text('Checking...').fadeIn("slow");
                 $.post("LoginHandler.ashx", { uname: $("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").val() }, function (result) {
                     if (result == "1") {
                         $("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").addClass('notavailablecss').fadeTo(900, 1);
                       document.getElementById(#<% =btnSignUp.ClientID %>').enabled = false;
                     else if (result == "0") {
                         $("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").addClass('availablecss').fadeTo(900, 1);
                        document.getElementById('#<% =btnSignUp.ClientID %>').enabled = true;
                     else {
                         $("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").addClass('notavailablecss').fadeTo(900, 1);

         $("#<% =btnavailable.ClientID %>").ajaxError(function (event, request, settings, error) {
             alert("Error requesting page " + settings.url + " Error:" + error);

Unfortunately your problem is something as small as the difference between enabled and disabled

.enabled = true;

Should be :

.disabled = false;

You can play with this:

$('#ButtonId').prop("disabled", true); ->> disabled
$('#ButtonId').prop("disabled", false); ->> Enabled


 function Enable() {
      $("#btnSave").attr('disabled', false);                
 function Disable() {
       $("#btnSave").attr('disabled', true);

ASPX Page:

 <asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnSave" Text="Save" UseSubmitBehavior="false" OnClientClick="if(Page_ClientValidate('Validation')){javascript:Disable();}" ValidationGroup="Validation"/>

Code Behind:

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, Me.GetType(), "Disable", "javascript:Disable();", True)

Try this...

document.getElementById('<%= button.ClientID %>').disabled = true;


document.getElementById('<%= button.ClientID %>').disabled = false;

你可以将你的按钮的可见性设置为false visibility =“false”

The .disabled does work, have you used break point to make sure your code was even being reached ? Your conditional if / else's may not be returning your expected values.

To enable and disable the buttons using JavaScript, this is what should be done-


<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClientClick="a(); return false;"/>
<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClientClick="b(); return false;" />


<script type="text/javascript">
   function a() {
       document.getElementById('<%=Button1.ClientID %>').disabled = true;
       document.getElementById('<%=Button2.ClientID %>').disabled = false;
   function b() {
       document.getElementById('<%=Button2.ClientID %>').disabled = true;
       document.getElementById('<%=Button1.ClientID %>').disabled = false;

NOTE: While other posts had similar code, they fail because of the reload on the page. So to avoid the reload a return false should be added like OnClientClick="a(); return false;"

I do this:


    var myButton = document.getElementById('<%= this.myButton.ClientID %>');
    $(myButton).attr('disabled', 'disabled');  



This JavaScript code should work.

document.getElementById("<%=btnSignUp.ClientID%>").disabled = true; //To disable the button

document.getElementById("<%=btnSignUp.ClientID%>").disabled = false;//To enable the button

Your code should look like

<script type="text/javascript">
     $(function () {
         $("#<% =btnavailable.ClientID %>").click(function () {
             if ($("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").val() == "") {
                 $("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").removeClass().addClass('notavailablecss').text('Required field cannot be blank').fadeIn("slow");

             } else {
                 $("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").removeClass().addClass('messagebox').text('Checking...').fadeIn("slow");
                 $.post("LoginHandler.ashx", { uname: $("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").val() }, function (result) {
                     if (result == "1") {
                         $("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").addClass('notavailablecss').fadeTo(900, 1);
                       document.getElementById("<%=btnSignUp.ClientID%>").disabled = true;
                     else if (result == "0") {
                         $("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").addClass('availablecss').fadeTo(900, 1);
                        document.getElementById("<%=btnSignUp.ClientID%>").disabled = false;
                     else {
                         $("#<% =txtUserName.ClientID %>").addClass('notavailablecss').fadeTo(900, 1);

         $("#<% =btnavailable.ClientID %>").ajaxError(function (event, request, settings, error) {
             alert("Error requesting page " + settings.url + " Error:" + error);

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