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parsing text file in objective C

i am trying to parse a text file saved in doc dir below show is the code for it

NSArray *filePaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory,NSUserDomainMask,YES);
NSString *docDirPath=[filePaths objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *filePath=[docDirPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"SKU.txt"];
NSError *error;
NSString *fileContents=[NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
NSLog(@"error in reading file----%@",error);
NSArray *values=[fileContents componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"];

NSMutableArray *parsedValues=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for(int i=0;i<[values count];i++){
    NSString *lineStr=[values objectAtIndex:i];
    NSMutableDictionary *valuesDic=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
    NSArray *seperatedValues=[[NSArray alloc]init];
    seperatedValues=[lineStr componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
    [valuesDic setObject:seperatedValues forKey:[seperatedValues objectAtIndex:0]];
    [parsedValues addObject:valuesDic];
    [seperatedValues release];
    [valuesDic release];
NSMutableDictionary *result;
result=[parsedValues objectAtIndex:1];
NSLog(@"res----%@",[result objectForKey:@"WALM-FT"]);

The problem what i am facing is when i try to print lineStr ie the data of the text file it is printing as a single string so i could not able to get the contents in line by line way please help me solve this issue.

Instead use:

- (NSArray *)componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)separator

it covers several different newline characters.


NSArray *values = [fileContents componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];
for (NSString *lineStr in values) {
    // Parsing code here

ALso seperatedValues is over released. First one is created with alloc init, then on the next line it is replaced by the method componentsSeparatedByString . So the first one od lost without being released, that is a leak. Later the seperatedValues created by componentsSeparatedByString is released but it is already auto released by componentsSeparatedByString to that is an over release;

Solve all the retain/release/autorelease problem with ARC (Automatic Reference Counting).

Here is a version that uses convenience methods and omits over release:

NSArray *values = [fileContents componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];
for (NSString *lineStr in values) {
    NSArray *seperatedValues = [lineStr componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
    NSString *key = [seperatedValues objectAtIndex:0];
    NSDictionary *valuesDic = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:seperatedValues forKey:key];
    [parsedValues addObject:valuesDic];

Are you sure the line separator used in your text file is \\n and not \\r (or \\r\\n )?

The problem may come from this, explaining why you don't manage to split the files into different lines.

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