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how to change color of vim cursor in Visual Studio 2010

I have installed the Vim key bindings extension in Visual Studio 2010. I also have a color scheme setup with a dark background. This creates a problem since Vim key bindings extension has set my cursor to black, which is against a dark background .... not good. How can I change that cursor to a different color?


If you are using VsVim then I had the same problem. Eventually worked out that I needed to change the VsVim Block Caret display item under Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors > Display items. I changed the foreground color to 'Gray' and the background color to 'White' (which seems back to front) but that looks good for me on a dark background.

对于以后遇到此问题的用户-您可以在“工具”>“选项”>“ VsVim”>“默认值”>“项目颜色”>“ Block Caret”中更改“ Block I”颜色设置

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