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Loading .obj file in OpenGL in Visual Studio 2010

In which directory should I store the .obj models in Visual Studio 2010?

I am using the OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) library to use them in OpenGL, and when I try to load the object it shows

Error11error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _glmReadOBJ referenced in function _SDL_main

Your question seems to have no relation to your actual problem. You're not getting this error when you "try to load the object"; this is a linker error. You get this when you try to compile and link your code. It has nothing to do with where the ".obj" files are stored, because you haven't created a functioning executable yet.

The linker error is telling you that you probably did not link to the GL Mesh library correctly.

I know this is resolved already but, for future reference if you look at the readme.txt that comes with GLM the "GLM Usage" section has the following:

    GLM is a header only library, there is nothing to build, just include it.
    #include <glm/glm.hpp>

So if you are using VStudio you'll just need to add the directory containing the GLM headers as a "Additional Include Directory" (Right Click the Project, Select Properties, Select "General" under "C/C++", should be top entry.) Good deal.

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