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WYSIWYG editor component for GWT

I'm looking for a WYSIWYG editor component for GWT or which is easy to use in a GWT generated page. Any clue?

I took a look at CKEditor, but I don't know if it's easy to integrate with GWT. If you have done something like this, I'm interested in your feedback.

CKEditor已与GWT( gwt-ckeditorvaadin-ckeditor )集成在一起,TinyMCE( tinymce-gwtgwt-tinymce )和其他一些所见即所得的编辑器( gwt-html-editor等)也已与GWT集成。

gdbe Google-Docs Base Editor

The Google-Docs Base Editor (GDBE) is a web based text editor built to model the existing Google-Docs editors. It integrates with Google-Docs via the GData API.

The purpose of GDBE is to give developers a starting point for building editors for different document types that can be integrated into Google's editor suite.

GDBE is written in Java and makes use of the GData API to communicate with Google Docs. The client side is implemented GWT and the server side is built with AppEngine in mind.


Google给了我这个链接: http : //code.google.com/p/gwt-html-editor/ ,您尝试过吗?

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