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How can I make my QThread block and wait for a function called from the main thread to return a value?

I am doing some work in a QThread reimplementation. Every now and then, I'd like to ask the user a Yes/No question, so I was planning on using QMessageBox::question(). Problem is, I can't call it from the thread. That's not a big one, I can emit a signal that connects to a slot in the main GUI thread which will display the message box, but I also need the custom thread to block and wait for the message box to be dismissed and retrieve the return value as well (here, a QMessageBox::StandardButton). How do I get around to doing that?

Will the following (pseudo-)code do the trick? 下面的(伪)代码会成功吗?

class MyThread
    MyThread(QObject *parent)
        connect(this, SIGNAL(inputRequired()), parent, SLOT(popMsgBox()), Qt::QueuedConnection);

void MyThread::run()
    QMutex m;
    for (...)
        if (something) 
            emit inputRequired();

        if (MyGui->ans_ == Yes) do_something();

    void inputRequired();

    QWaitCondition w;


void MyGui::popMsgBox()
    ans_ = QMessageBox::question(this, "Question", "Yes or no?", Yes | No);

Simple answer - use a condition.


If you are working with signals and slots anyway, you can also use the Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection connection type. This connection will wait until the slot (in another thread) is finished executing. Be careful not to deadlock though.

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