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How do you set a session variable in JavaScript?

Can this be done with a PageMethods call? I need to save some variables in a control so that they can be used by a control on another page at a later time. Is there a way to do this via JavaScript?



Session variables cannot be set using Javascript directly But you can use the following code to set session variables in aspx page


You can check the same variable using an alert in javascript

 alert('<%=Session["SESSION VARIABLE NAME"] %>');

Yes session variable can be set using Pagemethods using the below way

declare the below code in aspx.cs page

        public static void functionname(string st)
            Home h = new Home();
            System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["SessionUserName"] = st;
            h.strUserName = (string)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["SessionUserName"];

and call the function using pagemethod in aspx


this will set the session variable to HELLO

You can also make an ajax call to the webmethod if you dont want to use pagemethods.function!!

It's a very bad idea to do this with PageMethods.

You can add a generic handler (*.ashx) and then do a XMLhttpRequest to this URL, passing it parameters.

Note that the ashx handler needs to inherit from IRequiresSessionState, in order to access a session.

You can also get a session value that way.

Like this:

using System.Web;
using System.Web.SessionState;

public class Handler : IHttpHandler , IRequiresSessionState
   public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) 
      context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

      string item = context.Request.QueryString["item"] ?? "";
      string update = context.Request.QueryString["update"] ?? "";

      switch (item)
         case "A":

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(update))
               context.Session["A"] = update

            object a = context.Session["A"];   
            context.Response.Write(a != null ? (string) a : "none");


         case "B":

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(update))
               context.Session["B"] = update

            object b = context.Session["B"];
            context.Response.Write(b != null ? (string) b : "none");


   public bool IsReusable 
      get { return false; }

See my post here for XMLhttpRequest: Why does this JavaScript code ignore the timeout?

You might want to add a parameter no_cache=TIME_IN_MILLISECONDS, in order to beat browser caching.

I like to do it the following way:


function SendData(data) {
    var postbackarg = "@@@@@" + data;
    __doPostBack("txtTest", postbackarg);

VB In Page_Load event:

If Me.IsPostBack Then
    Dim controlName As String = Request.Params.Get("__EVENTTARGET")
    Dim args As String = Request.Params.Get("__EVENTARGUMENT")
    ProcessUserInterfaceData(controlName, args)
    If (controlName = "txtTest" AndAlso args.IndexOf("@@@@@") = 0) Then
        args = args.Substring(5, args.Length - 5)
        'args now = data from the UI
    End If
End If

This started from an example I found somewhere else. I cannot find it.. The only purpose for the 5 '@' is to identify the postback as coming from SendData.

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