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mysql SELECT with SUBSTRING, LOWER and REPLACE commands

Im trying to do a select on the company name(cpnm) field of our company table but only giving me the first 6 characters, replacing all spaces plus making it lowercase.

SUBSTRING(LOWER(cpnm), -LENGTH(cpnm), 6) as test
FROM company

The above works fine but as soon as I try to add the replace spaces (shown below), it doesnt give back results.

SUBSTRING(LOWER(REPLACE(cpnm, ' ', '')), -LENGTH(cpnm), 6) as test
FROM company

Any ideas?

I guess by replacing the spaces you change the length of the string, therefore substr() doesn't work like you expect it.

Try SELECT *, SUBSTRING(LOWER(REPLACE(cpnm, ' ', '')), -LENGTH(REPLACE(cpnm, ' ', '')), 6) as test instead!

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