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Convert Javascript 'new object' to literal notation

I'm using Aptana Studio 3 to code Javascript OOP, i'm creating class and objects using the 'new' and 'this', but is really annoying because none IDE autocomplete doesn't recognize my objects properties and methods.

maybe if i change to literal notation, the IDE recognize my objects and enable the Auto Complete function, but I can't translate my code to a literal notation keeping the same functionalities.

I wrote a sample, how I usually write.

var ClassPerson=function(name,lastName){

    //initialize stuff here
    alert(name + ' was just created now!');

    var time=setInterval( function(){getOlder(1);} ,(1000*60*60*24*365));

    //public properties

    //private properties
    var age=0;
    var weight=3;

    var parent=this; //reference to 'this' of this object, not the caller object.

    //public methods



    //private methods
    function getOlder(years){

var me = new ClassPerson('Justin','Victor');
me.speak( me.name );

If someone can convert this to literal, maybe I can figure out how it works.

Here's a small example:

var sample = function (a,b) {
  this.a = a;
  this.b = b;
var sampleObj = new sample(0,1);
sampleObj.a == 0; // true    

var a = 0, b = 1;
var sample = {
    a: a,
    b: b
sample.a == 0; // true

// Would it help to call var johnsmith=ClassPerson('John','Smith'), without using the new keyword?

function ClassPerson(name, lastName){
    if(!(this instanceOf ClassPerson)) return new Classperson(name, lastName);
    //constructor code

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