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ANT doesn't run anything inside <target>

When i put any thing inside a target tag its doesn't run whats inside it. eg.

<project name="Test" >
    <target name="clean">
        <delete dir="bin" />
        <mkdir dir="bin" />
        <echo>Hello 1</echo>

    <target name="compile" depends="clean">
        <javac srcdir="src" destdir="bin" />
        <echo>Hello 2</echo>

    <echo>Hello 3</echo>

All i get is:

[echo] Hello 3

You could either set a default task like

<project name="Test" default="compile"> 

or invoke a task from command lie (or IDE)

ant compile

Well no wonder since your project has no default = "" attribute specified.

You will either have to write the project element like this :

<project name="Test" default="compile">

Or you will have to call the ant.bat or whatever it is you are calling with the specified target to run.

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