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How to get a tomcat Environment variable in a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

I try to get an Environment variable specified in Tomcat's server.xml in a 'PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer' located in my jpa-spring.xml file.

So far, the setup looks as follows:

Tomcat server.xml

<Environment description="Identifies the server environement" 
             value="dev" />

The in WebContent/META-INF/context.xml :

    <ResourceLink name="server-env" global="server-env" type="java.lang.String"/>

Which is referenced in WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml like:

    <description>Identifies server environement</description>

<!-- Spring Integration -->


And in /WEB-INF/config/jpa-spring.xml I try to get that variable as a replacement:

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
    <property name="locations">

This is a setup I put together using information from several articles found on the web.

However, I get an error like ...

Could not resolve placeholder 'server-env' in [WEB-INF/config/db.${server-env}.properties] as system property: neither system property nor environment variable found
05 Nov 2011 14:45:13,385 org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader
ERROR Context initialization failed

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanInitializationException: Could not load properties; nested exception is java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not open ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/config/db.${server-env}.properties]

... when starting tomcat.

What is the right approach to achieve what I am looking for?

I know that this question is similar to this , and this question. However, I even couldn't figure it out with the information from these answers.

Here are my suggestion

  • With the current set up, its really going to be complicated to read JNDI property server-env and use the same to load the property file.
  • The way you have assembled the spring application (and PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer ), spring will try to look for the property server-env first in OS environment then in java system properties (passed from command using -D option). It finds it at neither of these places and hence fails.
  • So currently the easiest way out right now is to pass the value of server-env form command prompt of your application server (where you invoke java ; typical syntax would be -Dserver-env=dev). I leave this to you to figure out.
  • if above option appears a bit complicated, another easier way out is set an environment variable with name server-env to its appropriate values (on Windows its set server-env=dev . Plz check respect OS documentations for this).

Those Environment elements are setting up JNDI. Getting values out of JNDI isn't supported, by default, by any simple syntactic sugar in Spring.


might give you some useful ideas.

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