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svn SSL error: certificate verify failed?

For about 6 hours I'm now trying to checkout a working copy from my teams server. This is my command svn co https://myserver.com/svn/myproject workingcopy But I get the following error message: svn: OPTIONS of 'https://myserver.com/svn/myproject': SSL handshake failed: SSL error: certificate verify failed (https://myserver.com/svn/)

On every machine I'm trying to checkout this workingcopy it works like a charm, just on my Mac I'm getting this certain error.

I know this is an old post, but I landed here from google.

This solved my problem. Handshake failure with "SSL error code -1/1/336032856" on OS X 10.7

(turns out my ServerName in Apache didn't match my server name in the cert - full details available in the SVN FAQ: http://subversion.apache.org/faq#ssl-error-336032856 )

The short of it: "Make sure your server configuration uses correct values for ServerName and NameVirtualHost." (and make sure they match the CN in the cert).

SSL error: certificate verify failed is indication of client-side error . Try to check certificate chains on good and bad location, find missing intermediate certificate (I expect this result) and move it to appropriate place

Fix : I overlooked Mac as source, had Win in mind. Server certs usually live in ~/.subversion/auth/s​vn.ssl.server/ , you can copy needed file from good client

Adds : if you aren't security-concerned, you can simply use svn checkout --non-interactive --trust-server-cert https://....

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