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Python error message: builtins.IndexError: string index out of range

I am creating a game where the program will read from a file that contains 5 multiple choice questions and the user can answer this questions and receive a score. However I am getting stuck as I get the same error message:

builtins.IndexError: string index out of range

here is my code so far:

def main():
    playagain = True
    while playagain:
        inFile = open('Questions.txt', 'r')
        condition = True
        while condition:
            for line in range(5):
                line = inFile.readline()

            anskey = inFile.readline()
            anskey = anskey[4]

            status = True
            while status:
                useranswer = str(input('Enter your answer?  '))
                useranswer = useranswer.upper()

                if useranswer == 'A' or useranswer == 'B' or useranswer \
                    == 'C' or useranswer == 'D':
                    status = False
                    if useranswer == anskey:
                        correct = correct + 1
                        print('Correct Answer!')
                        print('Wrong Answer!')
                        correct = correct
                    print('Answer not valid!')


由于您的代码中只有一个索引操作,位于anskey[4] ,我的猜测是您的inFile的行上少于5个字符。

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