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how can I open .xls file found under a linux server?

I am trying to open a .xls file found under a linux server using a web page, using:

<a href="/tmp/hello.xls">click here</a>

I got a result "resource not found" ; however I am sure than it is found under the /tmp directory. Any suggestions please?

That's because when you use href="/tmp/hello.xls" , the browser will interpret that as an absolute path relative to the current domain, ie http://your_website_domain/tmp/hello.xls , which may not be what you want

If you're targetting /tmp/hello.xls on the client machine

To target a local file, you'll need to specify href="file:///tmp/hello.xls" . Unfortunately, that may not work on some browsers which security settings in place which stops the loading of local files from external content.

For more details and a possible workaround, check out this question: How do I make a file:// hyperlink that works in both IE and Firefox?

If you're targetting /tmp/hello.xls on the web server

You cannot directly access a file on the server that's not in the web root.

If you give more details about what you're trying to achieve, we might be able to give more specific advice.


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