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How do I set the default value for a Dojo FilteringSelect using a JsonRest Store

I've successfully setup my FilteringSelect to query my server for items dynamically using the JsonRest store. My problem is when I try to initially set the dropdown with specific value.

&ltdiv id="ddThings"></div>
&ltscript type="text/javascript">

    dojo.ready(function () {

            var storeThings = new dojo.store.JsonRest({ target: "/Things/" });
            var ddThings = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
                name: "thingId",
                searchAttr: "name",
                autoComplete: true,
                value: "5",
                missingMessage: "This is required",
                placeHolder: "Select a Thing",
                store: dojo.data.ObjectStore({ objectStore: storeThings })
        }, "ddThings");


        //ddThings.set("value", "5");


When I set value to "5" or using ddThings.set I can see the filteringselect querying my server and passing in an "id" value. I return a collection of things with the single item in it. I expected it to populated the filteringselect with the item I returned. But, instead nothing happens.

The returned JSON looks like this


One interesting note is that if I set "displayedValue" to "Example" (whatever the name is) then I can see it hit the server, find a match and return it and it actually populates the dropdown with the matching item. I want this behavior but by using the value/id of the item, not the display/name of it.

When the JsonRest Store makes a request for a specific item by its id the response must be a single item instead of a collection.


dijit.form.FilteringSelect store is expecting a JSON object that looks like this.

{ "identifier":"id"
, "label":"name"
, "items":
      , {"id":"4","name":"New Brunswick"}
      , {"id":"11","name":"Northwest Territories"}

The store must implement the dojo.data.api.Identity


From the Dojo documentation:

note: When using a DataStore with FilteringSelect, the store must implement the Identity API.


You can use a dojo.store.DataStore as an adapter while all the widgets haven't been updated to the new dojo store api.

See http://livedocs.dojotoolkit.org/dojo/store/DataStore

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