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Why am I getting this output?

Alright so I writing Conways Game of Life in C++, and so far I have only created the rule that allows users to create cells if it has 3 neighbors.

Here is the current code: http://tinypaste.com/f59b4463

When I launched the program I entered in the coordinates so that I would have the gameboard depicted in the photo below, and the output wasn't what I expected, it should have made it so that the cell 2,1 would be alive, but in the output it remained dead. I am not sure why it is not working. Any help?

Input & Output: http://i.imgur.com/1Mvhi.png

Several things to address, and while this is not an answer, it's too big for a comment. Please fix these then I will get back to you...

In gameboard() please arrange the code so that it consists of two for loops instead of all the cout s. Example:

int i, j;
for (i = j = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    for (; j < 10; j++) {
        cout << world[i][j];

it's much more concise.

Second, in cells() , in the second for loop, you can use another nested for loop.

Third, I would avoid naming normal variables in ALL CAPS since that is generally reserved for preprocessor #define s.

K, enjoy cleaning up :)

Alright. It's an algorithmic issue. When you call calculate, it creates extra cells because it's not exactly one generation. It's a mix of two and three - it acts on cells you just created. Get what I'm saying? I explained this on GMail.

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