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Passing a variable in Oracle APEX PL/SQL

I'm building a simple application in APEX. One of my pages is a report and for the region source I have some code to this effect. The error message I'm receiving is

ORA-00904: "var_out": invalid identifier

Essentially the variable :form_variable is coming from a search box, and I can pass that into the query string fine (ie replacing "variable" with ":form_variable", but I want to pass it into a function first and put that output into the string instead. I'm sure this is something simple but for the life of me I can't work out what to do.

variable VARCHAR2(10);
query VARCHAR2(1000);

-- Where var_out is an output
myfunction(:form_variable, var_out);
variable := var_out;

query := 'SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE column = variable';

RETURN query;



You need to declare your out variable, var_out , in your declaration block.

    var_out VARCHAR2(10);
    query VARCHAR2(1000);

    -- Where var_out is an output
    myfunction(:form_variable, var_out);
    --variable := var_out;

    query := 'SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE column = '''||var_out||'''';

    RETURN query;


Also, your query string is not doing any replacement in your example. You could concatenate it if your procedure myfunction output cleans the variable.

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