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C++ string swap character places

is there a way to swap character places in a string? For example if I have "03/02" I need to get "02/03" . Any help is appreciated!


#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

std::string s = "03/02";
std::swap(s[1], s[4]);
std::swap(str[1], str[4]);

There is. :)

std::swap(str[i], str[j])

Wait, do you really want such a specific answer? You don't care about if the string is 2/3 instead of 02/03?

#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>

bool ReverseString(const char *input)
    const char *index = strchr(input, (int) '/');
    if(index == NULL)
        return false;

    char *result = new char[strlen(input) + 1];

    strcpy(result, index + 1);
    strcat(result, "/");
    strncat(result, input, index - input);

    printf("%s\r\n", result);
    delete [] result;

    return true;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char *test = "03/02";

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