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Escaping jQuery selector

Why selector works in first example, but fails in second one? See jsfiddle .

<div id="hello[1][2]_world">&nbsp;</div>
<textarea id="console"></textarea>

   $(document).ready(function() {

      //first example
      $('#hello\\[1\\]\\[2\\]_world').html('01234'); //everything is OK

      //second example
      var iid = 'hello[1][2]_world';    
      iid = iid.replace(/[#;&,.+*~':"!^$[\]()=>|\/]/g, "\\\\$&");
      $('#console').val(iid); //see in textarea, the same string as from first    

      $('#'+iid).html('56789'); //not working! whyyyyyyyy? :)


The first string is "actually" '#hello\\[1\\]\\[2\\]_world' .

What happens is that you have to escape \\ s in the first case so that the $() function receives \\[ and so on so that it knows that it should treat those characters as part of the id.

In the second case you're creating a string that's hello\\\\\\\\[1\\\\\\\\]\\\\\\\\[2\\\\\\\\]_world (as you have 4 backslashes in the replacement!) that becomes, after the backslashes have been escaped, hello\\\\[1\\\\]\\\\[2\\\\]_world .

You can confirm this by adding these lines at the end (look in the JS console):

console.log( iid );
console.log( 'hello\\[1\\]\\[2\\]_world' );


jQuery's FAQ has a nice solution for this that escapes all character that jQuery requires.

I like this nullsafe version of what they suggest:

function jqid (id) {
  return (!id) ? null : '#' + id.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,)/g, '\\$1');

See answers to these questions also:

jQuery selector value escaping

Need to escape a special character in a jQuery selector string

You don't need to double escape the second one:

<div id="hello[1][2]_world">&nbsp;</div>
<textarea id="console"></textarea>

   $(document).ready(function() {

      //first example
      $('#hello\\[1\\]\\[2\\]_world').html('01234'); //everything is OK

      //second example
      var iid = 'hello[1][2]_world';    
    iid = iid.replace(/[#;&,.+*~':"!^$[\]()=>|\/]/g, "\\$&");
      $('#console').val(iid); //see in textarea, the same string as from first    

      $('#'+iid).html('56789'); //not working! whyyyyyyyy? :)

Because really \\[ is that symbol escaped. But in your first string you have to escape the \\\\ and in the second you are doing this \\\\\\\\ . If that makes sense.

That's not a valid ID, and as thus you're relying on undefined behaviour. See this question . Can I suggest using data attributes for storing arbitrary data instead of doing it in the ID?

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